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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Helah barat untuk berkuasa dalam minyak makan dunia

Pasaran dunia untuk minyak/lemak memang besar lebih dari 400 juta tan setahun (2008/9). kalau ditukarkan pada mata wang, memang banyak sekali. Lazimnya bila permintaan atau parasan sudah setinggi ini, manusia akan berebut-rebut untuk dapatkan bahagian yang terbesar. Sesiapa yang bermodal besar akan menjalankan kempen buruk terhadap yang lemah. Di sini saya selitkan beberapa artikel yang menujukan secara terang bagaimana barat (USA) memburuk-burukan minyak dari negara-negara tropika.

Dipetik dari The Guardian (2009), Penulis Chambel Webster menulis;
And what of coconut oil? Such organizations American Soybean Association and the Corn Products Company have effectively destroyed much of its reputation when they began, in the early 1980s, a public initiative based on a flawed 1950s study to scare consumers into even thinking about any tropical oils.
The result? The oil that replaced coconut and tropical oils on store shelves was hydrogenated vegetable oil (often from soybeans and corn), one of the most health-damaging dietary oils in existence. The effects were not only devastating to the health of millions, but also the economies of coconut oil-producing countries like the island nation of Dominica. Not only did Dominica's exports collapse, but the local consumption of coconut oils, a centuries-old tradition, has been replaced by imported toxic oils. The result? Declining life expectancy and soaring rates of cardiovascular disease. And you thought the soy people were the good guys.

Dipetik dari akhbar The New York Times, 3 Jun 1987
''Not all vegetable oils are created equal,'' warns Representative Dan Glickman, Democrat of Kansas. A
package of cookies may be ''baked with 100 percent vegetable shortening,'' but if the shortening happens
to be highly saturated palm, palm kernel or coconut oil, it poses far greater health risk than any animal
A bill sponsored by Mr. Glickman and Representative Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, would
sensibly require manufacturers to specify the oil used.
Package labels now need only say that the product contains one or more of several oils that are listed.
The powerful food producers' lobby contends that manufacturers need flexibility to avoid having to print
new labels when they switch oils to take advantage of changing prices. That expense seems slight
compared with the health costs.
The proposed legislation, endorsed by the American Heart Association, the Center for Science in the
Public Interest and the Consumer Federation of America, would require manufacturers to identify fully
the cheaper, artery-clogging oils from Malaysia and Indonesia.
Chances of passage this session appear good, for American farmers stand to gain from promotion of
products made with domestically produced, unsaturated corn and soybean oil. In this case, the farmers'
economic interest coincides with consumers' health interest.

Dipetik dari Sri Lanka Guardian, 18 Ogos, 2010, Penulis Rajpal Abeynayake;
Talking about coconut oil after pondering over the vexed issue of civilian deaths in war may appear a
surreal journey from the sublime to the ridiculous. Today, essentially U.S-led companies have been able to
wean Sri Lankans away from coconut oil and introduce them to all kinds of Canola fats and sunflower oils
which are as coarse as the engine oil used in your car and are not therefore conducive to maintenance of
proper body metabolism and general good health.
Coconut oil can hardly be found today in the supermarkets in this tropical island, even though I’m happy
that I do not necessarily belong to the supermarket-set of consumers even though sometimes these places are doubtless more convenient than the corner stores and the Sunday fairs.
But, this is merely a consumer disaster — the true calamity is in the fact that coconut oil and coconut based
foodstuffs are some of the most healthful in all of creation. Coconut oil kills the harmful organisms in your
system, the bad-guy yeasts and funguses for instance, which are now known to be causative factors for
serious illnesses such as cancers and inflammation attacks which lead to hardening of the arteries and
eveWhat’s worse than war crimes and Wikileaks?
So we had the best medicine that we almost didn’t need any money to buy being mixed on a daily basis
with our diet, and we traded that for engine oil, and this is the best part — we were told all the while that this
exchange is good for us, because this ‘untreated’ so called coarse and basic coconut oil was said to be a
commodity that causes cholesterol which leads to heart attacks!
Today, an entire swathe of urban workers have been duped into believing that they have cholesterol
conditions which lead to heart attacks, and doctors, oops specialists, keep prescribing these folks
cholesterol medicines which directly enriches the giant pharmaceutical industry —- which is second only to
the armaments industry in terms of global wealth accumulation capacity. The entire cholesterol scare is a
mere bogey with moneymaking being uppermost in the minds of those who propagate this fashionable
cholesterol angst, and more details are sure to come in this newspaper.
People spend fortunes on anti cholesterol drugs, and then they spend more fortunes on side-effect
diseases such as kidney failure etc., which can be directly traced to long-term use of these drugs.
That’s the tip of the iceberg with regard to the multinational assault on our home-grown produce, and by
extension our natural and sustainable lifestyles. That the US multinationals are doing this type of thing
everywhere, mostly in their own home country is no consolation.
The effects of these (anti) consumerist attacks which are all money and greed-driven, far outweigh the
effects of so-called war crimes tribunals and other such red-flag issues, that it makes me seriously think
sometimes that such political issues foisted through US agency in this country are but a smokescreen for
the all-wrecking consumerist subterfuge let loose by the US multinational behemoths.

Sudah menjadi lumrah alam ini, yang manusia ini tamak. Saperti bidalan orang puteh, 'Money, roots of all evils''. Minyak yang begitu tua, murah dan senang diekstrak dari difitnahkan pembawa penyakit baru. Tak masuk akal. Dan seperti diwartakan dalam recana di atas, kajian yang tak betul / tak cukup (flawed studies) pada tahun 1950an menyatakan bahawa minyak kelapa meninggikan tahap kolesterol dalam darah, yang diringkaskan oleh dari Sri Lanka taktic menakutkan penguna saja.
Walaubagaimana pun takti orang putih dah berjaya memundurkan negara-negara pengeluar minyak kelapa, yang penerima balanya ialah penguna diseluruh dunia. Dan hingga sekarang masih ramai lagi yang taat pada cerita dongeng tauke-tauke minyak sayuran ini, serta memberi banyak alasan yang menyebabkan wabak penyakit-penyakit yang berpunca dari minyak minyak sayuran.

Orang melayu memang terus tengelam tidak mengetahui apa yang betul-betul belaku dalam agenda barat untuk mendapat kuasa monopoli minyak makan dunia kerana kekurangan berita, rencana dan ulasan kajian yang terbitkan dalam bahasa melayu. Tak ramai yang sedar berlebihan minyak sayarun boleh menyebabkan kesulitan kesihatan. Boleh katakan semua orang melayu sebulat suara mengatakan SATAN kelapa yang SI Dajal boleh naikkan kolesterol darah, hingga makan diri balik. 'Selagi aku tak makan santan aku bebas baham burger, nugget, donut, kek-kek, airskrim, teh tarik, roti canai, kerepek-kerepek, karipap, char kueh teow, fries, krim temusu, nasi beriani, nasi minyak, nasi tomato, nasi ayam'. Bila kolesterol tinggi sikit mula cakap; 'Aku kena kurangkan nasi lemak, kena masak kari dengan cream temusu, tak boleh makan cendol', terus mengesahkan santan yang Si Dajal. 
Semua negara dah haramkan LEMAK TRANS (TRANS FAT) termasuk di Malaysia; Lemak Trans adalah margerin yang di perbuat dari minyak minyak sayuran. Sengaja di namakan TRANS untuk mengelirukan orang ramai atau penguna, tu sebabnya masih dijual saperti biasa. Apa salahnya kalau katakan semua majerin yang diperbuat dari minyak jagung, minyak soya, minyak bunga matahari dan minyak canola di haramkan; kan 'direct to the point'. Orang kita masih lagi makan burger di joint-joint trendi atau di tepi-tepi jalan dan makan roti canai. 
Makan roti canai - teh tarik adalah saya sifatkan sebagai satu percintaan yang abadi dikalangan rakyat Malaysia. Itu yang unik, dan apa yang unik juga adalah bilangan obis (gemuk, boroi, bincit) yang terbanyak di Asia Tengara; satu situisi yang orang kita kata kebetulan saje....
Untuk langkah pertama ke arah sihat tanpa ubat, perlu kita putuskan percintaan kita dengan roti canai - teh tarik dan juga makan makanan ala orang puteh. Apa yang saya makan ialah pati satan (rm1) campur dengan buahan atau pulut atau keledek, nasi lemak telah disahkan dengan santan, air kelapa muda yang berisi tebal (kena kunyah sikit; habiskan sebiji), buah-buahan potong, pisang, nasi setengah dengan telur ikan atau daging kambing, kueh-kueh melayu yang dikukus (buah melake, kueh ketayap, putu piring, kueh kuci) yang manis-manis dengan kopi pahit (kosong)

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